Sunday, November 27, 2011

democracy fact / fiction

What are the catalysts for simultaneous collapsing governments, dictators, economic theory/practice, institutions, and ideologies? One historical fact: debt and decline are synonymous. Is it ironic / appropriate / coincidental that the cradle of western civilization and democracy – Greece – is the first domino (potentially) falling in the EU? A crisis waiting to happen and ignited by its youngest offspring (the US) and its exotic financial instruments, corruption, and deregulated greed? Freedom, a volatile concept...without regulation and unconstrained, free to do whatever, whenever without fear of consequences. The invisible hand connected to a manipulative arm has negligible intention beyond immediacy and self satisfaction. And there will always be imperfect information (and limited access to it) along with rogue males, eternal moral hazard, emerging complexity, fascist ideologues, and natural disasters of all possible scope and scale affecting power structures/experiments.

But nothing can stop a meme whose influence infiltrates even the most traditional societies - and democracy is the goal in the Middle East. Education and social media have incited a revolution threatening despotic regimes that are scrambling for an effective response beyond the classic violent repression. Because oil rich states in the Middle East have traditionally been autocratic, their wealth goes into buying off the military, manipulating media, bribing citizens with benefits and low/no taxes - all while concealing the real wealth that maintains power. Sanctions haven't worked because oil demand is so high. Another reason to fuel alternative energy research and policy.

Voting with their feet

Global turbulence seems like a large-scale reaction to typical constraints on any system: scaling + entropy. Everything devolves to chaos, but it has to be structured enough to collapse, so you can’t have chaos without a foundation to begin with (and thus my issue with the 2nd law of thermodynamics). Forces are initially random, chaotic, then coalesce, develop depending on conditions, eventually reaching limits with corruption and decline. Corruption is natural and necessary. Everything deteriorates and dies and that's the good news, because something else will emerge from the vestiges. 

Systems constantly test limits because stasis is death, and death is always the end product anyway, so why not experiment and see how far it will all go. We’re good at that, because life is good at that.  A string is too slack won't play, and if it’s too tight, it’ll break. Continually adapting equilibrium creates a healthy, robust system: The Middle Way. So much for that practice/wisdom. Now that some form of collapse is in progress, fascist fundamentalists emerge (life is an opportunistic affair) but also rational actors with a new toolkit that see ever evolving possibilities. Creative Destruction. 

Fundamentalists and ideologues have one agenda – now we go back to basics, and I have the manual to control everyone with. Fortunately, there are more educated people now that understand the epic silliness of unquestioned dogma, and are armed with the two most powerful words in human history – PROVE IT. But can the neocortex win the battle with the do or die limbic system that thrives on fear and hysteria? Trying to control Nature (inwardly and outwardly) has been big business since the monkeys started evaluating the environment.

Who’s the alpha male? Who’s calling the shots? And why is anyone following this dude? Are they inspired / afraid / intimidated / controlled? Once the alphas were fearless, strategic warriors that helped protect the group – king material. The supporting cast of males are in constant evaluation and competition in case the position was open due to death, treachery, lineage dispute, etc. 

May the best genes win

Balancing all this chest bumping and thumping has been the philosophical precept of nonviolence. All religions have this awareness of constraint, self-control, and benevolence. The Abrahamic religions appropriated/manipulated other narratives for legitimacy, as is standard practice, and have a whole lot of smiting and revenge because of their tribal origins and patriarchy / misogyny. (Sex and Power in History by deReincourt). Buddhism is the only egalitarian philosophy where violence is not only self-defeating, it’s not even in the realm of consideration. Once you enter the arena of violence, you're back at square one. Over and over and over again...

No Fear 
(or violence or any other delusional activity, thank you)

Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. have been recent historical heroes of nonviolent resistance to domination. Gene Sharp’s books The Politics of Nonviolent Action (1973) and From Dictatorship to Democracy (1993) have been in global circulation and used effectively from Serbia's Otpor to Tahrir Square. Sharp’s theme is that power is not an intrinsically powerful monolithic entity radiating from some ‘divine right of kings’ scheme (popularized by the patriarchal revolution) and reinforced by complex cultural power structures such as with Mayan kings, Japanese emperors, Egyptian pharaohs, etc. in addition to institutionalized religious taboos and a vast bureaucratic labyrinth. 

This arrangement played well until literacy and scientific thought/empiricism evolved. Then it became more difficult to make the argument of the divine right of kings. Scaring the illiterate peasants with reprisals of the gods and fairy tales became less viable, although religious fundamentalists seem to only have that card to play, and why they vilify intellectualism. Another Inquisition will be their agenda. 

More recently, the power of the President elected by an educated populace is a more appealing/inclusive process. This gives actors the sense of responsibility in their social and personal development, because a little education goes a long way. But all power structures are supported by a variety of institutions, and loyalty/citizens are maintained by the carrot and stick approach to obedience. (Fame by proxy, social status, and wealth, v. fines, imprisonment, etc). Deciding to not obey deprives authority of power, and resistance + social media has taken the idea/action to an unprecedented level. Traditionalists and Pioneers – apparently we need both, but what worked for grandpa isn’t going to work for the kids. And the kids are always smarter, because the increasing trend of access to information makes them better equipped to analyze and define problems cohesively - What's your agenda, how did you acquire it, and can you function independently of it to get to the truth? Can the truth exist independent of an agenda, or it it always relative? The sum of all agendas approximates the truth.

Next, your rights

So why does information and power converge at a central point with radiating supporting systems? Dictators fall with the promise of democracy, while democracy is revealing that power is still concentrated in the ruling elite. Divine right of $$, 1%, emerging Global Elite - the systems reboots. Revolutionaries eventually become tyrants, and the whole process reactivates. Density dependence theory shows the system is only so plastic, and population density contributes to various social structures. But throw in literacy and tech, and a whole new organism is emerging.

Democracy defined:
1688: The First Modern Revolution, Steve Pincus
The Science of Liberty, Tim Ferris 
Civilization, Niall Ferguson

Democracy leveraged:
Too Big to Fail, A.R. Sorkin
Reckless EndangermentGretchen Morgenson
The Big ShortMichael Lewis

Saturday, September 3, 2011


If you saw someone walking with a deep wound in their leg that's not been attended to, you'd be inclined to say, "You should get that taken care of." So why do we allow ourselves to have wounds in our lives that are ignored or trivialized? Because of the aggravated pain of revisiting the source of the wounds when we're trying to get on with the demands of life? The complications from unaddressed issues effect everything and everyone around us. We can't communicate honestly or clearly because there's so much compounded delusion that the slightest thing throws us off balance. It takes all our effort to merely survive, and when push comes to shove (and it always does) we fall apart. Then the fear and mind's delusion is revealed. We're completely controlled by it instead of learning to control it. 

If your heart is at peace, your mind will be clear. If you mind is clear, your heart will be at peace. To eliminate delusion means examining the root of our awareness (or lack of it) and reading, learning, finding a practice that will heal that wound. The best way to control the 'chattering monkey' is with meditation - much easier said than done. When you sit down with the monkey, you find out it's an 800 pound gorilla. It seems impossible to tame, but you sit anyway and maybe get a few seconds of silence. It can take years. Then you begin to realize you're creating the world with your uniquely personal delusion trademark. It's fairly spectacular really, the web of the mind.

Who's the boss?

Talking about your problems incessantly only reinforces the delusion. It's good to examine the root cause of problems, but then move on to actually do something about the source - the mind. I know people who have been in therapy for years, and they have not, and cannot change without controlling the monkey/gorilla. Each session feeds it a few more calories and treats of reasons, justifications, fuel. It's like living in one tiny room of a mansion. If you let your knowledge of self (determined by mundane experiences and the world) determine who and what you are, so much is lost. You have to leave that phase/addiction and hit the mat.  Fear determines the size of the task: more fear = bigger monkey. Working on opening the heart is the other avenue. Working on both at the same time gets quicker results! Either way or both. It's the path to peace individually and culturally. Once you start on that path, no matter what intervenes or interferes, you'll find yourself back on it someday, someway, because everything else is unreal.

When you consider the history of the world and all the wars and heartbreak that regenerates in each new family, dysfunction is globally ubiquitous. Just like the genes we share, we share the wounds that are passed down from affected individuals and families. Generally, no one talks about it all, and then we don't understand when someone develops self destructive behavior. Misery loves company.

The good news is that spiritual renewal and religion developed to help us heal and create a sense of service and charity. The ability of renewal and healing is extraordinary, and evolved right along with everything else in the arena. But when religion becomes unyielding dogma, the problems start all over again. Controlling the group takes many forms, and the wounds of anger, jealousy, and revenge open again, spilling more blood and creating a new generation of walking wounded. If it isn't addressed, delusion on an individual and cultural level is inevitable, so addressing it at an individual level is where we confront the demons we ignore or pacify. If we face them, acknowledge the mind as the source of all delusion, the healing begins. It's fairly spectacular, the trained mind. Not given to fear, anger, provocation. Eloquently and humorously elucidated by former theoretical physicist turned Buddhist monk, Ajahn Brahm:

Friday, August 5, 2011


Deep ocean vent - home to the microbe Methanococcus jannaschii

Extremophiles live and thrive in severe physical environments. Heat, pressure, acidity, are all exploited by organisms looking to fill an outré environmental niche. Methanococcus jannaschii is a microbe extremophile that lives near hydrothermal vents 1.5 miles below sea level - where a submarine would be crushed by pressure and temperatures approach the boiling point of water. The variety of extremophiles inhabit all improbable niches on this planet and what astrobiologists infer about life throughout the universe (panspermia). Have to include this from wikipedia:

"Recent research carried out on extremophiles in Japan involved a variety of bacteria including Escherichia coli and Paracoccus denitrificans being subject to conditions of extreme gravity. The bacteria were cultivated while being rotated in an ultracentrifuge at high speeds corresponding to 403,627 times "g" (the normal accelaration due to gravity). Paracoccus denitrificans was one of the bacteria which displayed not only survival but also robust cellular growth under these conditions of hyperaccelaration which are usually found only in cosmic environments, such as on very massive stars or in the shock waves of supernovas. Analysis showed that the small size of prokaryotic cells is essential for successful growth under hypergravity. The research has implications on the feasibility of panspermia.[5][6]"

I'm trying to make a metaphorical point and went farther on the limb than intended, but that's too good to exclude. Especially the bit about prokaryotes. At any excessive rate, the upper and lower limits of life are pretty broad (if not vast) and that gets translated into rules for all physical and social conditions. Dynamic equilibrium keeps the colony alive within margins - conditions change and the colony adapts, speciates, or dies. 

Suppose we have just transported here from another galaxy and are assigned to study the variety of organisms on Earth (which is known as Zkiuenvhdjfhkdei on our planet). You encounter what may be a different genus of the same species. Or they may be classified as extremophiles:


What do these images tell the travelers about this animal? Is it an indication of reproductive strategy / advertising, controlled estrus, social status, art adornment, disguising social pariahs, or are they completely different species? Why such extreme representations of what may be the same genetic lineage? It appears that pressures and adaptations to the environment have produced the upper and lower limit of social display/constraint (or lack of it). These females must be choosing to behave so radically different to ensure their offsprings' survival, and their environments must be diametrically opposed to produce these phenotypes.

Since females have biological imperative in determining and choosing the best mates, these clearly have adapted different strategies to ensure care and lineage of offspring. Unless by some implausible strategy, these females are not determining the course of their behavioral/mate selection, which is a violation of universal nature by all measures. Cultural, environmental, and evolutionary pressure has created the upper and lower bounds of this species customs and strategy for survival. The midpoint is where most of them reside. If the balance shifts too far in either direction, a pressure
has developed favoring one side of the spectrum over another. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, and these are extremophiles in action. Clearly, the 'middle way' represents a healthy, aware, rational alternative to such agenda-driven, obdurate constriction or reckless lack of all restrictions. To regulate or not to regulate? Easy - moderate regulation gives the flexibility to adapt to ever-changing conditions.

Another extraterrestrial explanation is that one represents an entirely different time period of evolution. One may have returned to the planet from the past or future. Or we must consider that this one-headed species is so repulsive that the females must cover themselves to attract males. (That's the most popular ET hypothesis at the moment).

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

hyper sapiens

I do not live 
the life of the gods
To be worshipped 
from afar
Or torn within
Sadly saying eternities

Whatever you're researching, contemplating, tolerating, or seeking - there's a model for it. How everything evolves and decays has a pattern somewhere in nature with information about everything that's created / developed / destroyed. The bell curve, scaling, and density dependence equations that factor opportunistic variables represent the plasticity of systems that allow for evolution given all the variables. But there are laws and constraints on everything. Events, responses, reactions - human or otherwise.

In some sense, most of the work has already been done. There's enough genetic variation after a few billions of years of evolution so that organisms can adapt to whatever hits them, or their niche will be filled by something else. Even if most of the population is wiped out by one epidemic or another, some will have the variability to survive. Any Europeans that survived the plague had a mutant allele, and many of their descendants colonized the new world - further combining genes with other tribes that gave greater genetic diversity / viability. Nature knows what it wants, cause she's going to throw everything she's got at us to see if we can survive it. And the novelty of nature knows no bounds. We emulate her in our perpetual experimentation and exploitation, cause clearly that's part of the plan.

But in the will and action to dominate, define culture, and generally be the ones to call the shots = successive empires rise and fall. The conditions that contribute to this phenomena are formulaic, and in a global society, the constraints and demands of the formula is yet again adapting to the pressure. Scaling appears to be the example and extent of development of any order, and when something gets too big it collapses (+ why the bugs in Starship Troopers would be impossible). Bugs, empires, everything responds to upper and lower limits. 

Artists and scientists look for patterns in nature, and the pattern of development and decay is clearly deep in the structural blueprint. I combined these revealing graphs/patterns in standard economic and species evolution theory:

            Supply and Demand graph             Species Immigration & Extinction graph          

Species Immigration & Extinction graph is from the Theory of Island Biogeography by McArthur & Wilson

That's one striking diagram/pattern that permeates life/culture. We're infinitely inventive as we extrapolate endlessly on all social/spiritual/cultural matters, and endlessly exploit the environment to explore boundaries, but foundational laws are only so plastic. Not to infer direct determinism, but there are incessant examples of pushing the boundary until it all collapses. Any system needs dynamic equilibrium to survive, and will only tolerate so many variables and limits until it's destroyed or transforms through a variety of mechanisms. Too much fat and cholesterol, peasants revolting, every former  empire (including Rupert Murdoch's)... too much pressure and/or corruption and eventually the whole thing blows. Generally it's the one-two punch. Most systems can recover from trauma, but start backing/stacking them up and...the experiment terminates.

For Homo sapiens, social and political systems are a result of population density, invasion adaptation, resources, environment...And of all the philosophical memes to define political structure, a real democracy is a real problem. It demands a literate, educated populace, which is a relatively new concept, and there's plenty of societies where literacy is lacking (and sustained for control). Peasants supporting the ruling elite ignited the culture engine, but not until the merchant middle class became a political force (+ the printing press) did the roots of democracy evolve. Another experiment that demands flexibility, uncertainty, and the will to not revert to the limbic system's myopic response to survival. (Extremists are comfortable in autocratic territory - seems the neocortex is not accessed that often in their dark little minds...)  Democracy will always struggle with the prime directive of the central authority / alpha members that direct the organism that leads the lesser body. That appears to be the default system when push finally comes to shove.

Every revolution eventually produces despots that kill off rivals and become just as corrupt as the last regime. Voting leaders in and out of office, or voting with your feet, can circumvent this pattern, but the will of the people or leaders is constrained by where nature is pushing us. And that has been one relentless push since day one. This seems clear, and I assume that everyone will eventually look at the long term pattern (I don't mean election cycles or a generation or even a century) and understand the direction that's been millions of years in the making. We have developed all manner of psychological devices to cope with the journey (religion being a major player there for better + for worse) but the compulsion to dominate is written on the genes, and it's tough fighting City Hall.

At any rate of cultural evolution and/or decay, I suggest a recent book by Oxford historian Peter Heather The Fall of the Roman Empire to get perspective on why and how the US is dealing with our rapid ascension and what some regard as possible decline on the world stage. There is no better indication of decline than increased polarization and corruption of political factions - no longer working together to build, but to blame and draw battle lines as a reaction to declining fortune. Institutionalized corruption is inevitable. It's all happened before. We think we're unique, it's all a unique period in history, but it's really part of the pattern where plasticity (and  tech) can only do so much. Eventually systems will decay / die / transform. It almost looks like the entire edifice is bifurcating into the ruling elite / peasant class again to accommodate a global structure in its nascent form...  History shows that marginalized groups often coalesce and become the dominant group, because when you have nothing, you have nothing to loose. And if you're armed with extreme envy, hatred, a gun, and a book, that's one motivated machine. Extremists respond to what they believe is offensive to their narrative (every action has an equal and opposite reaction) when free-for-all democratic immorality threatens the tribal code. It's an equal free-for-all asymmetrical attempt to depose the infidels, but take away the narrative and it's just plain dirt-old envy: this other group has the resources, their genes continue, ours don't.

As far as the current state of the Empire, education (crucial to democracy) and other systems are failing to adapt sufficiently to address old/new problems (30+% high school drop out rate, school underfunding, $14+ tril debt, economic adversity, enviro destruction - it all goes hand in hand). Sure looks like scaling - too big to operate efficiently, branches distributed around the world that can no longer be financially sustained, and generally some form of Western decline/transformation as world hegemon. Then there's the EU. Is it all too big NOT to fail? So much for gloating over the collapse of Soviet communism. 

Recently read The Long Divergence on how Islam prevented modern corporations, growth, development, etc on par with the west. Ultra conservative models don't allow experimentation, which is antithetical to life itself. However, our system of capital experimentation hit a major wall and no doubt will do so again, which gives states plenty to contemplate on their economic model. The fear and resistance of innovation may prove viable if other more robust, experimental systems collapse. That's why we'll never get rid of fundamentalists - they're the social Marshall Law. If and when it all collapses, well, we have this book...
And State Capitalism - that will have teeth without the pretense of morality.

So where are we on the graph, collectively? Depending on conditions, sometimes absolute authority is necessary, especially after great upheaval to regain balance. Some circumstances need less authority, are more egalitarian, and are self sustaining. Like Galton's reluctant acknowledgement of crowd wisdom in determining the weight of an ox at the 1906 West of England Fat Stock and Poultry Exhibition in Plymouth, democracy had real advantages over absolutism in collective reasoning. This was illustrated in Google's Power of Ten project and with InnoCentive - an online problem solving collective. This says volumes about how knowledge and power evolved - if you had answers you called the shots. Religion had the hegemony in this arena for millennia as a form of behavior modification and maintaining absolute control, occasionally under the threat of The Inquisition or other barbaric mind control activity. It's a Carlyle interpretation of the world and simultaneously loosing and gaining ground as we struggle to overcome the Dark Ages. We're in more of a Dim Ages phase, and it's fascinating that everything seems to be getting better as it gets worse.  In a democracy, individual effort will transform and survive in some capacity - the emphasis on community action, especially the online community, is creating a new branch to the species tree. 

When the going gets tough, the tough adapt and innovate. Thirty percent high school drop out rate? This can be addressed with IT - information can be available to anyone online, and power / knowledge can be dispersed with a cheap laptop. This promotes literacy and education to a borderless demographic. And identifying kids with a difficult home life (that affects their ability to learn) needs to be addressed, cause it all starts in the home.   

Kids know more about tech than their teachers, have had access to more info more often than any other generation on earth, manipulate info better - some can chart their own path and interests without the middle men and negative socialization. Because when you develop in a box you can't think or act outside of it. Now that there essentially is no box, bureaucracies don't know how to respond to boxlessness and are so incapacitated by budget problems, inertia, and accusations they've become barely viable entities.  

There are already online high schools. We don't need as much brick and mortar and all the bureaucratic entropy that results from it. We need a global online high school with an emphasis on cultural collective wisdom. You have to be fluid and flexible to survive, and bureaucracies eventually crumble under their own weight. Scaling - it's the Law! We'll have to take life and education into our inclusive global hands. After all, the US is the world in terms of immigrants, and the world aspires to the ideal of democracy, freedom of thought, worship, and exploration. It's a relatively new country / idea / challenge to default domination. But it appears greed, passion, envy, et al may ever be key actors in the drama that will sabotage all rational efforts. Probably because those primal extincts ensure survival at all costs - we may not like it and aspire to more compassionate behavior, but those qualities persist in people where success (survival) comes by any means necessary. That's life on earth, and that's been the program since Day One, so let the system collapse, cleanse, and evolve into something new and novel again  - possibly smarter, more aware, more communicative, less combative. We've seen enough extreme examples of corruption, stupidity, and generally unevolved embarrassing behavior to know what not to do, so let it all fall to evolve again.

We've got the genetic variation and imagination to do it.

Halfway there...

Friday, June 10, 2011

new old blog

I'm resurrecting my old blog on the evolution of perception to consider the nature of consciousness / knowledge / information/ manipulation and the power thereof in the inaccurately configured 21st century. It's more like century 50K (modern Homo sapiens give or take a few Ks) depending on which human evolutionary model you ascribe to. This is part of the problem. Since I'm a synesthete hybrid and perceive, assimilate, and process information in an unusual manner, I've made the study of human evolution and my own perception a lifelong endeavor in an attempt to understand WTF is really going on, because we're not enamored with the obvious here...  There's always another level of analysis, and what stops us from accessing it is complacency or agenda (in terms of biological imperative or the political variety, which are inextricably linked). Seeking the lowest common denominator is the mission of art and science. So for my current sake of argument, questions can be answered by two classifications - Hardware and Software re: Homo sapiens - all relatively recent neocortex hardware development with new software retrofitted on a billion-odd years of hardware (with its agenda) All knowledge and philosophical systems are mutating programs (with their agendas).

Hardware directive: obtain and maintain territory and resources by any means necessary.   Software: make excuses for our behavior.

Evolutionary biology is an important discipline that includes the full spectrum of biological evolution, and Life on Earth can be summarized by a statement from Howard Bloom's book on evobio, The Lucifer Principle --  "Males are the biological equivalent of paper plates."  This is the lowest common denominator in the arena regarding all males / any species. Competing for territory, resources, and females to make sure their DNA is propagated. Eliminating competitors and being controlled/obsessed with rank are the constants of the formula (Buddhists excluded). This condenses our past few million years of warfare and border evolution, and is still evident in ongoing border disputes of any variety.  Developing the male oriented narrative to create group cohesion and eliminate competitors has been big business for the past 2000+ years. Saying that one has access to the will/word of god has been a viable meme strategy for millennia, but may be finally wearing thin. Even though the Scientific Revolution has been percolating for 400 years, it proves that the hardware adapted with manipulative control software (that makes its living from fear and unfortunate hysteria that seems to permeate much of history) is still mightier than the ultimately rational, unreactionary, new and novel intellect that attempts to usurp the throne. The veneer of civilization is evident with continued struggle devoted to producing the alpha male(s) by any violent means necessary.

The Patriarchal Revolution is only a few thousand years old, but it successfully eliminated the "Great Mother" narrative that permeated mythology and ritual for many thousands of years. She maintains a presence in Christian mythology as Mary in an ancient role of the virgin mother that gave birth to the universe. The Christians knew marketing and adapted all pagan holidays to their calendar. An important effort in this ever evolving narrative was controlling nature instead of being controlled by it. Controlling females and their power was central to that effort. Another major feature was radically changing the concept of time as a cyclical process to a linear model. Cycles of heavenly bodies, seasons, etc. were so embedded in nature, psyche and ritual, that a model of a beginning and ultimate end was revolutionary. Ritual sacrifice was common in most cultures in an effort to placate the gods/goddesses that controlled nature and destiny. Christianity circumvented this by saying one person made the sacrifice, so you can get on with your life and stop spending so much time with this extravagant, overarching display of bargaining. But these are relatively recent events in our many million year old evolution, and many people give time to some manner of annual sacrifice in various religions. Old habits don't die, they adapt, and clearly the connection to the Spirit exists deep in the psyche.

If you think of humanity as an organism, there's a fraction of it as a hyper evolving tech head, much of it's body still in the middle ages, and the tail end with a few remote tribes still rockin the Stone Age (sorry).  The Leviathan 2.0 - not just the king and subjects as content, but the entirety of humans from one end of the static evolutionary spectrum to the rapidly IT evolving head.  In an analytical frame of reference, I consider a 25,000 year span as a basic time frame to consider any phenomena - anything that has occurs in very recent history (the past few hundred years) has to be placed within that data span. No doubt we're in an extraordinary period of punctuated equilibrium in the recent tech-charged years starting with the advent of quantum physics, and equivalent to the Cambrian Explosion in terms of IT where last months model is obsolete, but the bio hardware still calls many shots when it comes to competition and eliminating the other. The entirety of life is based on reproductive strategy, so motivation starts and ends there. Advancing selfish genes through memes is an effective strategy, and it appears that cooperation exists to support competition. When push comes to shove (and it always does) group cohesion takes on new dimensions. This must be why there's such a massive effort to get everyone on the same page through religious campaigns - you won't smote your spiritual brother so quickly. That war is big business and may continue to be so until we get invaded by aliens. Then we'll all get on the same page. Until then, it's 'Our god reigns' and defenders of the faith keep on smotin...  (Thank goodness for Buddhists - no proselytizing there, just individual effort).

Consider the macaque monkey experiments in Japan in the 1950's. Researchers brought sweet potatoes and left them on the beach. A female macaque took them to the water to wash off before eating, and her offspring and other young members of the troupe copied her behavior. The older males didn't - couldn't break rank. Hardwiring not adapting to innovation. Older males / hierarchy / resistance to change = challenge to authority. You see where this is going...   

Our Innovative Cousin


Can any civilization based on combustion engine technology be considered evolved? See SciAm's Seven Radical Energy Solutions that highlight this. The corporate fossil fuel monkeys I mean males are resistant to new alternative technologies that recent generations embrace and explore passionately. Emphasis on education and R&D should be an all hands on deck priority, but there's so much agenda and politics in the US now (with a declining empire evident in constant accusations and specious rhetoric - especially when you start referring to 'real Americans' - inferring that whoever is not in your group is the other. That's how the end begins). At any rate, I have faith in global / youthful innovation and tenacity. The infrastructure and attitudes that support old tech is generationally ubiquitous, and emerging tech adaptation is laborious but getting more aggressive as the cost of old tech mounts on many levels. As data is manipulated, power is consolidated, the trenches are dug, and the hunt for new energy manipulation of Nature continues.  

Carbon footprints share/scar the landscape as we attempt to be more aware of our demands, but old male networks are like the old school warlords in the Middle East that control (medieval) power and authority through violence and intimidation. But look at what people armed with new tech are demanding there now - trying to yank that medieval tribal body into the evolving tech head area. Old regimes/networks are incapable of solving the problems they have created because of bureaucratic entropy and inevitable, natural corruption from obsolete narratives. Old dominant males can't break rank and lose authority because other males won't respect them and fall into hierarchical order - until rebellion ensues and a new order emerges. The tendency for aggregation and central consolidation of resources clearly has some natural function and formula in nature from plant distribution to galaxy formulation to tribal affiliation. So the drive to obtain resources and limit access to them is written on the genes. In a patriarchal society, this gets exaggerated, witnessed by epic corruption on the exotic financial instruments, Madoff, Enron, etc., scale. The good news is that it's all eventually exposed and a good model for study for future reference. After being excluded from policy/politics for 2000+ years, women are reengaging in society, and not a moment too soon. And females will always prefer the young offspring, because they're always smarter, quicker to adapt and innovate, and have greater, more flexible awareness of current problems and how to address them. The old dudes just want to retain power, and they're living longer now! What's an organism to do? 

Maintaining the narrative that supports this process has become indispensable to creating cohesion and argument for superiority (and the people with the most extreme ideologies become the biggest tyrants). We've seen the dysfunction and failure of bureaucracy so many times that organizational models of interdependence and permeability are becoming more viable options (again).  Knowledge is power, and now that virtually anyone can hold that power in their hands, literally, a new arsenal is born. Organizational structure has deep hardware, and all the software we've applied in the past 50K years is purely experimental - a reevaluation has begun with universal access to information / power.  Experimental social systems have continually reconfigured culture in response to new environmental and social pressures. Borders are becoming more relative in a global culture, and we're struggling to realize we're one big tribe after all that needs to cooperate to resolve a vast range of problems. Fundamentalists maintain a presence in case the whole system collapses and we're back to social Marshall Law - square one. So the deck gets reshuffled one way or the other through rebellion, artifice, elections, hardware packed with social software, etc. because Nature always forces our hand. That's evolution.

But who or what is the driving engine?  Like cosmological or terrestrial succession, is there a deep, inaccessible blueprint that is an inevitable course based on opportunistic variables? Such as having a 'Goldilocks' planet capable of supporting higher life forms that are beating Nature at her own game - living longer, restraining the balancing restraints she puts on life to avoid overpopulation, and having dominant males live longer that are resistant to change in an increasingly technological global society that demands rapid action and change for survival? For thousands of years knowledge was a free for all panic until the Scientific Revolution, when the burden of proof created a new paradigm that still struggles to adapt to deep hardware and software. How life actually got to this level of complexity is baffling enough. And from a design perspective, it's ruthlessly efficient. We've been carving up territory and each other since day one. And who would willingly participate in such a dangerous, unpredictable, often excruciating venture without the unrelenting compulsion of sex? From a design perspective, this is phenomenal. You'll basically take on all the unmanageable risk for that part of the bargain. Nature has the entire system flawlessly designed from start to (delayed) finish. There's always the opt-out option of becoming a monk or nun, but Life's a dice-throwing, novelty-seeking, elaborate labyrinth of a dangerously mysterious beautiful Bitch. And it's very difficult to fight City Hall, and why the major effort to depose the Great Mother and her authoritative parameters (through the patriarchal gods replacement narrative) took a few thousand years to accomplish. By then she became the Great Whore or 'abomination', and the status of females has since been one of oppression and outright abuse. Nice. It's not nice to screw Mother Nature, however, and she'll have the last word one way or another. Fortunately, IT gives us the necessary ability to cooperate more than compete (to some degree) because there's so much data that it requires massive teams to tackle and interpret it all. The Global Brain is energizing, and because we are at an 'all hands on deck' crossroads, we need all individuals to participate so we can become the organism we need.


So much for the social animal. Now that we know that all baryonic matter contributes to 4% of the total picture, we're finally getting somewhere on the real substratum of code.  About Dark energy and Dark matter.  This infers another construct that may or may not be an extension of the hardware/software configuration of the 4th dimension (as opposed to independent entities). Are you only aware of 4% of yourself? Is most of you acting out in other dimensions? This inquiry into unknown forces has been the realm of the unknown/unknowable that involved a great deal of time and energy in human history and will continue to do so until all of the code is revealed. Access to the other side was the purpose and function of ritual that dominated consciousness since day one. From a very young age, it seemed clear to me that we we only observing a fraction of the whole spectrum, and I thought it was probably in the 10% ballpark (because the 9:1 ration seems to crop up often in various phenomena). Thus my ambivalence in getting too involved in social hierarchies that limit this other relationship. That's why there have been monasteries and hermits for thousands of years - access to the other side far from the demands of the world. It's The Mines, art, spirit and spark of life that we still feel like distant ancestors in our DNA. The veneer of civilization is analogous to the veneer of the 4th dimension (and the veneer of civilization is pretty damn thin).

_____________________Old blog stratification line_________________________

An Investigation in Progress

Throughout human history there have been worldwide events that have stimulated and defined civilization and culture. The relatively simultaneous development of art, craft, agriculture, building and materials technology, military strategy, and religion in disparate areas of the globe represent a form of cultural punctuated equilibrium. Throughout the continual process of investigation, discovery, and adaptation, creation mythology became the definitive cultural narrative in every society. Determining our origin and purpose are necessary pursuits in maintaining collective and individual identity, and restructuring that narrative has been an evolving chronicle since the Upper Paleolithic era 40,000 years ago. Star gazing remains an awe-inspiring activity and determining the motion of heavenly bodies became a priority throughout recorded history. Bone engravings from the Upper Paleolithic dating around 33,000 BCE (Before Current Era) calculate the total number of days throughout the phases of the moon.  

The earliest cave drawings of apparent moon-month notation from around 9,000 BCE. The first image from Abris de las Vinas, Spain, shows a figure surrounded by spherical shapes that may indicate counting off nights of the quarter moon. The second image from Canchal de Mahoma, Spain, has 27 shapes that change from spheres to crescents and surround a central figure or other reference point.


Cave drawings, possibly of the sun, from La Pileta, Spain (circa 12,000 BCE)

Images from Lascaux cave in France (dated 17,000-27,000 BCE) show a graceful, sophisticated artistry 
- Determining the age of rocks. Determining the age of carbon-based life forms -

Although all organisms have complex social structures that promote group cohesion and survival, the human species is continually discovering and cataloguing information about the natural world. The accumulation of knowledge (and its ability to transform perception) constantly generates new cultural paradigms. Assimilation and adaptation of traditional social customs is characteristic of many cultural transformations. Life responds and adapts to internal, environmental, and social pressures - a new temple is built upon an old, an ancient myth acquires new interpretation, a new civilization evolves. This activity is organized upon the prime directive for all earthly organisms: The entirety of life is based on reproductive strategy. Central to this is controlling territory and resources to ensure survival of the group (genome). In the human species, this process is has been facilitated, contrived, and enforced by creation mythology and cultural narrative.

The artist must know not just the rules of perspective, but all the laws of nature. The eye is the perfect instrument for learning these laws, and the artist the perfect person to illustrate them. Leonardo da Vinci

As we probe deeper into the intricacy and complexity of nature, the scientist has developed instruments that surpass what the eye conveys. The language of mathematics is the language of Nature, and is perhaps the most powerful tool we have developed to describe our universe.  Today, the pursuit of knowledge and understanding the parameters of Nature (through science and art) are the most powerful social tools that provide choice in direction and development.


 In the Beginning

Sumer was one of the earliest known civilizations with written language in the form of cuneiform tablets. The Sumerians arrived in the Tigris-Euphrates valley from Central Asia in approximately 5500 BCE and supplanted the existing settlements of the Ubaidians. Located in the southern part of Mesopotamia (now southeastern Iraq) this area is referred to as the "cradle of civilization" in the Eastern hemisphere. Art, crafts, architecture, mathematics, and religious expression flourished in Sumer.


Sumerian art and craft

Early Mesopotamian Astronomy "The Babylonian astronomers also served as priests who fostered the continuity of astronomical knowledge. But religion divorced Babylonian cosmology, the grand picture of the universe, from astronomy. In the cosmic picture, the gods created, ordered, and controlled the world. These divine functions were explained in religious myths. Because tables of astronomical cycles functioned strictly for predictions and lacked any geometric or physical framework, Babylonian astronomers could predict but not explain celestial motions in terms of physical causes. They never developed actual scientific models of the heavens, just records of their patterns..."

Sumerian mythology included the familiar theme of the Garden of Eden. Dilmun is the mythical divine garden wherein the ruling goddess Ninhursag cultivates eight plants (and condemns but ultimately forgives the transgressor Enki for stealing and eating some of them). The Sumerian word for rib, ti, means "to make live." Every aspect of the biblical Garden of Eden is appropriated from Sumerian narrative. These concepts, the Great Flood, and other biblical tales of Sumerian origin represented a cultural adaptation of the dominant narrative. The mythologies of early cultures initially reveal a universe created by a singular goddess, to a universe born of the Great Goddess and her male consort, to one created from the slain body of the Great Goddess by a male god, and finally, the demise of the goddess principle in the bible. This process was literally thousands of years in the making through constant manipulation and syncretism of the existing narrative. Consequently, the replacement of Pagan celebrations with Christian holidays helped to facilitate the acceptance and spread of Christianity. Every culture uses a variety of devices to proclaim and maintain its position in the world and cosmos. The proclivity to manipulate the geographical and sociopolitical environment is a hallmark characteristic of human activity, but the ability to develop complex symbolic systems that describe the mechanisms of nature is perhaps the ultimate intellectual achievement.

                       Ziggurat ruins at Chogha Zanbil, Iran                     


From The School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of St Andrews website:

It was an important task for the rulers of Mesopotamia to dig canals and to maintain them, because canals were not only necessary for irrigation but also useful for the transport of goods and armies. The rulers or high government officials must have ordered Babylonian mathematicians to calculate the number of workers and days necessary for the building of a canal, and to calculate the total expenses of wages of the workers...

The Egyptians were very practical in their approach to mathematics and their trade required that they could deal in fractions. Trade also required multiplication and division to be possible so they devised remarkable methods to overcome the deficiencies in the number systems with which they had to work. Basically they had to devise methods of multiplication and division which only involved addition.

The Moscow papyrus dates from Egypt about 1850 BC. The problems are mostly practical but a few are posed to teach manipulation of the number system itself without a practical application in mind. It also contains geometrical problems.

The first thing to understand about ancient Chinese mathematics is the way in which it differs from Greek mathematics. Unlike Greek mathematics there is no axiomatic development of mathematics. The Chinese concept of mathematical proof is radically different from that of the Greeks.
By the fourth century BC counting boards were used for calculating, which effectively meant that a decimal place valued number system was in use. It is worth noting that counting boards are uniquely Chinese, and do not appear to have been used by any other civilization.

Recent research paints a new picture of the debt that we owe to Arabic/Islamic mathematics. Certainly many of the ideas which were previously thought to have been brilliant new conceptions due to European mathematicians of the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries are now known to have been developed by Arabic/Islamic mathematicians around four centuries earlier. In many respects the mathematics studied today is far closer in style to that of the Arabic/Islamic contribution than to that of the Greeks...

Mayan mathematics

A common culture, calendar, and mythology held the civilisation together, and astronomy played an important part in the religion. Astronomy and calendar calculations require mathematics, and indeed the Maya constructed a very sophisticated number system. We do not know the exact date of these mathematical achievements but it seems certain that when the system was devised it contained features that were more advanced than any other in the world at the time...

This calendar sculpture depicts a Mayan God of Time carrying the burden of time on his back. 

Read more about mathematics in various cultures

History of Astronomy From The Department of History and Philosophy of Science of the University of Cambridge


After the decline and fall of the Roman Empire in 476 CE (Current Era), The last emperor (Romulus Augustus) was deposed by the German warrior Odoacer. The Catholic Church became a major unifying cultural influence after the Fall, and maintained a centralized administration through a network of bishops. It is no wonder that this remaining vestige of the glory of Rome became pivotal during the early European Medieval era (formerly regarded as the Dark Ages - approximately 476-1000 CE). The Christian Bible represented the irrefutable word of god - the ultimate trump card and signifier of ultimate authority. Further inquiry into the mechanisms of life was considered unnecessary with this definitive text. It was also improbable, given the state of affairs in the "civilized" Western world. The Church, Bible, and word of God maintained some semblance of cohesion and power on a fundamental level after the cultural turmoil of the Fall.

"When...the question is asked what we are to believe in in regard to religion, it is not necessary to probe into the nature of things, as was done by those whom the Greeks call phycisi; ... It is enough for the Christians to believe that the only cause of all created things...whether heavenly or the goodness of the Creator, the one true God." From City of God, St. Augustine 415 AD
(So much for the prime directive of curiosity and discovery...obviously not an option for the intellectuals of the tribe).

Segments from Hieronymous Bosch - Paradise and Hell

During the European Medieval era, China invented paper, gunpowder, and the compass. The Chinese printed books using movable type in 1050 CE. They believed that the motions of the heavens and actions of people were inextricably linked, and royal astronomers watched for any celestial irregularities that might affect the emperor and kingdom. The result of this vigilance is a continuous record of astronomical events that included the appearance of a "guest star" in 1054 CE - the supernova explosion that created the Crab Nebula. This knowledge of constant astronomical transformation was in stark contrast to the Greeks, who believed the heavens were static. (The 1054 supernova event was virtually ignored in Western records).


Chinese paper making process  /  Compass  /  1054 AD "guest star" (aka Crab Nebula)


Also during Europe's Medieval era, Arabia achieved major advances in medicine, science, mathematics, and astronomy. Ibn al-Haytham, or Alhacen, (965–1039 CE) was a Muslim astronomer, engineer, mathematician, and scientist. He supported the heliocentric model of the solar system, established the use of scientific experiments, and invented the first pinhole camera (in addition to making other contributions to the principles of optics).

India devised the decimal numeral system, including the concept of zero, during the reign of the Guptas (320 to 600 CE).

However, the Ages weren't entirely Dark in Europe during this period - there was an emphasis on illustrating and writing manuscripts; innovations in architecture, painting, and crafts; and literacy was becoming a social force. By the High Middle Ages (1100-1300 CE) philosopher/theologians such as William of Ockham and Thomas Aquinas were discussing systems of logic, ethics, natural and political philosophy, and the relationship between faith and reason. Universities were being established, further eroding the authority of the church. In the Late Medieval Ages (1300–1500 CE) the conflict between the Holy Roman Emperor and the Pope concerned who would control Christendom in secular issues. The illiterate needed to know the stories in the bible, so churches began commissioning artists to represent these stories on the walls. By extension, the development of perspective in art is considered another catalyst for the Renaissance. A function of narrative is perception, and the rendering of geometric perspective in the early 14th century had a profound emotional and visual impact on the viewer.

A renewed interest in the art, philosophy, science, architecture, and education of classical antiquity stimulated a cultural transformation in the European Renaissance. It is important to note that the survival of classical Greek studies is the result of its preservation by the Muslim world from about the 8th Century. Greek ideals included order and linearity, and visual art was represented on a single plane in vase paintings and murals. When this convention was breached with the development of visual perspective in Florence, Italy, the viewer stood as an individual on a cultural precipice.

Giotto's skill in early perspective revolutionized the flat, two dimensional representation of imagery that dominated medieval manuscripts and painting. His interest and study of conic sections (the ellipse, parabola, and hyperbola) came from Archimedes via Euclid's lost work on these geometrical forms. The force of three dimensional perspective captured time and space in an accurate, eternal instant. This rendering of the spacetime continuum is obvious and ordinary now, but it was absolutely revolutionary and unprecedented in the purview of human experience at the time. Three hundred years later, Kepler would refer to Renaissance artists for his discovery of planetary motion. Six hundred years later, Manet would deconstruct perspective/reality as a prescient of Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity. But we're getting ahead of ourselves, so to speak.

Encounter at the Gate
, Giotto di Bondone (1306)

Giotto greatly influenced Masaccio, (1401-1428) who was considered the first significant painter of the Renaissance. 

The Tribute Money, Masaccio 1424

Masaccio in turn influenced Michelangelo (1475-1564):

Michelangelo self portrait
Pieta  Michelangelo Buonarroti, 1498/9-1500


Sketch and image from the Sistine Chapel


There is perhaps no other individual that personifies the transformative power of the Renaissance than Leonardo da Vinci: (1452–1519) scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, painter, sculptor, architect, musician, and writer. 


Leonardo's investigations into science and engineering were as prodigious and innovative as his art. He was constantly observing, recording, and inventing. His notebooks have 13,000 pages of drawing, notes, and inventions for flying machines, parachutes, and defense systems. Art and science were not viewed as separate disciplines, and his work combined art and natural philosophy (the objective study of nature). This contributed to the foundation of modern science.


Printing Press
Printing was first conceived and developed in China and Korea. The oldest printed book using woodblock printing, a Korean Buddhist scripture, dates to 751 AD. The oldest surviving book printed using block printing, the Chinese Diamond Sutra, dates to 868. The movable type printer was invented by Bi Sheng in 1041 during Song Dynasty China. The movable type metal printing press was invented in Korea in 1234 by Chwe Yoon Eyee during the Goryeo Dynasty -216 years ahead of Gutenberg in 1450. By the 12th and 13th century many Chinese libraries contained tens of thousands of printed books.

In 1440, German goldsmith and inventor Johannes Gutenberg invented a printing press with technologies of paper, oil-based ink, and the wine-press to print books. Prior to this, the time-consuming process of pressing paper to inked woodblocks was used for printing in the Western world. This invention allowed the mass production of books and the resulting proliferation of ideas and ideologies.



Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) was a Polish polymath and the first European astronomer to formulate a modern heliocentric theory of the solar system. Aristarchus of Samos, a Greek astronomer and mathematician, proposed a Sun-centered Universe in the 3rd century BC (in addition to other astronomers throughout history). The heliocentric model was rejected by Ptolemy and Aristotle, and their geocentric theory became the "standard model" for 2000 years. 

Copernicus published De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres) in 1543. This concept was in conflict with the teachings of the Church, which stated the Earth was the center of the Universe, the Celestial Spheres held the planets, and Heaven existed beyond the Spheres. Contradicting the Bible was blasphemy, but the analytical train had left the station, and nothing on earth or in heaven could stop it.

Heliocentric solar system


 Although Copernicus had determined the proper description of the solar system, the Greek ideal form of the sphere plagued the idea of the movement of planets around the sun. It was not conceivable that god would create irregular shapes or motion that contradicted the perfection of the circle. The elliptical path of the planets was the discovery of Johannes Kepler (1571–1630) a German mathematician, astronomer, and astrologer. Kepler lived in an era when astrology and astronomy were not unrelated, and the church was reasserting authority with Counter-Reformation tactics of the Inquisition and censorship of prohibited books (Kepler's own mother was tried for witchcraft). Kepler served as Tycho Brahe's assistant and was then was appointed his successor as Imperial Mathematician, a position that included being Astrologer to Emperor Rudolph II. This was considered the most prestigious appointment in mathematics in Europe at the time. The division between fact and fantasy was a tenuous margin that manages to persist in the human frame of reference. Although the beauty and power of science eliminates unnecessary questions and simply 'wants the facts' - knowledge is power. Manipulation and appropriation of information for political agenda is inevitable.

Kepler developed the Platonic solid model of the Solar system in Mysterium Cosmographicum (1596) to explain the relative distances of the planets from the Sun in the Copernican System.

Kepler's Three Laws of planetary motion were published in 1618:

1. Planets move in orbits that are ellipses.
2. The planets move such that the line between the Sun and the Planet sweeps out the same area in the same area in the same time no matter where in the orbit.
3. The square of the period of the orbit of a planet is proportional to the mean distance from the Sun cubed.

An influence in Kepler's breakthrough was a German artist and mathematician, Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528). Dürer studied perspective and conic sections and wrote about them in 1525. He was a prolific artist mostly known for his woodcuts and engravings. Alberti wrote about problems in perspective in 1435, and discussed geometry and art as integral subjects. Kepler read books by written by artists to determine elliptical orbits and solved a centuries old problem. 

Conic Sections

  Dürer self portrait (1500)

What distinguishes science from other disciplines is the scientific method. In Europe, it is credited to Galileo Galilei (1564 –1642) an Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher. He improved the telescope and performed a variety of astronomical observations. In 1610, Galileo published an account of his telescopic observations of the moons of Jupiter, using this observation to argue in favor of the Copernican heliocentric model of the universe. This challenged the prevailing earth-centered Ptolemaic and Aristotelian models. The next year Galileo visited Rome to demonstrate his telescope to influential philosophers and mathematicians, and to let them see the four moons of Jupiter. In 1612, opposition arose to the Copernican system that Galileo supported, and the church condemned Galileo's model on the motion of the Earth as heresy. He went to Rome to defend himself, but in 1616, Galileo received a categorical admonition to neither advocate or teach Copernican astronomy. Scientific thought and analysis was in its infancy, and still struggles to survive under superstition, threat, and political device.

Galileo's drawings of the moon

Galileo portrait by Leoni


                                    Galileo facing the Roman Inquisition, Cristiano Banti (1857)

The Renaissance was a period of tremendous insight and transformation in Europe after the Dark Ages. The innate human characteristics of curiosity, innovation, and triumph over all odds were restored through the study of Nature, the evolution of art, and through the power of objective analysis in science and mathematics. This enabled the distinction between the unknown and the unknowable. It is curious that those who lack the intellect to confront the exasperating intricacy of nature insist that everyone else should remain in the Dark Ages. They are their own best argument against evolution. Because of this insistence on ignorance, the current era can be characterized as the Dim Ages. The reader is encouraged to examine the patriarchal revolution and subsequent manipulation of cultural narrative.


The Scientific Method developed by Galileo continued to be the guiding principle for scientists of all disciplines. The rigor of objective analysis combined with the power of mathematics created a new paradigm best characterized by two words:

The scientific method involves the following components:

  • Pose a question about observed phenomena.
  • Observation - a constant feature of scientific inquiry.
  • Create a hypothesis that is consistent with what you have observed.
  • Description of phenomena and process. Information must be reliable, repeatable, and relevant to the inquiry.
  • Use the hypothesis to make predictions. Information must be valid for observations past, present, and future of given phenomena.
  • Test those predictions by experiments or further observations and modify the hypothesis according to your results.
  • Falsifiability, or the elimination of plausible alternatives. This is a gradual process that requires repeated experiments by multiple researchers who must be able to replicate results in order to corroborate them. This requirement, one of the most frequently contended, leads to the following: All hypotheses and theories are in principle subject to disproof. Thus, there is a point at which there might be a consensus about a particular hypothesis or theory, yet it must in principle remain tentative. As a body of knowledge grows and a particular hypothesis or theory repeatedly brings predictable results, confidence in the hypothesis or theory increases. (Obviously not a viable approach to those who seek to control the group through authoritative knowledge/power that can't be questioned. ie - hardware that resists the new software of continual inquiry).

For example, Newtonian gravity predicts that starlight will bend around a massive object, but the predicted effect is only half the value predicted by Einstein’s General Relativity postulates in his 1911 paper. Subsequently, during a solar eclipse, light deflection was observed by the change in position of stars as they passed near the Sun on the celestial sphere. The accuracy of the measurements was contested for fifty years until observations were made at the necessary radio frequencies that confirmed Einstein’s predictions.

Last update  8/2009


Howard Bloom, The Lucifer Principle
Norriss Hetherington,  Encyclopedia of Cosmology
C.L. Ruggles, Astronomy in Prehistoric Britain and Ireland
Leonard Shlain, Art & Physics

Lynn Margulis, E.O. Wilson, Nowak, Dawkins, Darwin, Gould....